Joseph A. Biello

Professor of Mathematics at UC Davis.  Member of the Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics and the Graduate Group in Atmospheric Sciences.  Associate Editor of the Siam Journal of Applied Mathematics.

A short list of my research interests: atmospheric fluid dynamics, partial differential equations (PDE), asymptotic methods for PDE and dynamical systems.

This is a relatively recent version of my CV.     This is a relatively recent version of my research statement.

Contact me through email, my last name at math dot ucdavis dot edu.



To know me is to know my friends.

My friend and collaborator the late René Samson, is both a chemical engineer and a composer of modern music.    My friend, Ralf Michaels, is now the director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law.    Daan Crommelin is now the leader of the scientific computing research group at CWI Amsterdam (and we have chosen a suspiciously similar image for our home pages!).  My mentor,  Ed Spiegel, late Professor at Columbia University, had some of the greatest insights into physics that I have ever known.  Norm LebovitzGregor Kovacic, and Bob Rosner, have all mentored me during some part of my life.   Andy Majda, now late of NYU kicked me into atmospheric science and taught me to focus on important questions.  John Hunter taught me to be more careful.    Edriss Titi taught me how to care about analysis.